Sorry I haven't posted much in a while, as noted I was having some issues with my internet. Good news is that I have now got that squared away and should be back to posting about the Permatic Imperium and its neighbors soonish.
Not today though, have a backlog of stuff to deal with plus work later, but soon. I am currently working on a post about Synthetic Persons in the Imperium I am hoping to have finished by next week. Stay tuned Travellers.
A Traveller5 blog devoted to an Alternate Traveller Universe, the Permatic Imperium. It started life as tool for playtesting the Traveller5 Core Rules, brainstorming, designing, and to examine and find the exploits, which is why it is an ATU, not Marc Miller's Traveller Universe. Many hours not shown in the post count are reflected in my credits in the T5 Core Rule Book. So, come explore the Permatic Imperium with us.