So for those who might actually be reading this, when we last joined our faithful Referee he was thinking of setting his game in the era of the First Empire (also known as the Terran Empire) but due to a potential player voicing an opinion when presented with a choice and my own leanings, I have set the game in the era of the Dawn of the Second Empire of Man as our faithful heroes will venture beyond the borders of the Empire to see if they can bring the old worlds of the First Empire into the fold of the Second.
A Traveller5 blog devoted to an Alternate Traveller Universe, the Permatic Imperium. It started life as tool for playtesting the Traveller5 Core Rules, brainstorming, designing, and to examine and find the exploits, which is why it is an ATU, not Marc Miller's Traveller Universe. Many hours not shown in the post count are reflected in my credits in the T5 Core Rule Book. So, come explore the Permatic Imperium with us.